東海国立大学機構 名古屋大学 情報連携推進本部

Scholarly Information Division

~ Developing effective distribution systems for burgeoning scholarly information ~

Division Outline

Here at the Scholarly Information Division we carry out research and development on the effective collection, analysis and application of scholarly information, which is rapidly advancing in scale and diversification. We integrate elemental technologies such as databases, information retrieval, knowledge engineering, natural language processing, web information services and electronic libraries, and are working toward the development of technologies that will become the basis for next-generation scholarly information services. We also collaborate with various departments within Nagoya University, for example the University Library, to conduct research and development on practical services related to scholarly information. In addition, we promote research activities into the establishment of advanced information technology services at the University.

The Division's Features

Big and Diverse Data: Accumulation, Storage and Analytics Platforms

A vast and hugely diverse amount of information exists and is ever increasing on today's Internet. Furthermore, every academic field has various characteristic information of its own. It is essential that we develop technologies that can accumulate and integrate data, as well as refine and extract the useful information from it, in order to effectively utilize these information resources and provide support for intellectual activity, for the aim of which we strive to develop basic and more advanced technologies that will be applicable in our society.

Foundations for Knowledge Communication

In the academic world, which includes universities, the knowledge hitherto produced is collected and stored as scholarly information on a daily basis. It is vital that we make such activities even more dynamic by not limiting this information to the academic world but also distributing it to the industrial world and general population, as well as transmitting and sharing it internationally. We therefore aim to implement highly advanced information infrastructures that will facilitate the communication of knowledge from person to person in a globalized society.

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