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Authentication Seed Registration to WinAuth (Windows App)

Note: The multi-factor authentication settings you do here are required every time you log in with your Nagoya University ID. Do not delete the authentication app or the settings you have made.

The following is a video explaining how to set up on the authentication seed management page
【movie】Authentication Seed Registration to WinAuth(for Windows)

Downloading WinAuth

WinAuth Download webpage

Extract WinAuth.exe from ZIP Archive File

Setting up for the first time

Access the Authentication seed display page at first login to display the authentication seed and QR code. In this case, proceed to Authentication Seed registration to WinAuth)

Re-setting/Second time and later settings (on-campus network only)

When accessing from Authentication seed management page for resetting or setting multi-factor authentication for the second time or later

Get Authentication Seed

Authentication Seed Management webpage: Confirmation of Authentication Seed generation

Authentication Seed Management webpage: Presentation of Authentication Seed

Authentication Seed registration to WinAuth

First Time Boot

Service Select

Register Authentication Seed

Protection of WinAuth

Use of WinAuth

Booting WinAuth (with Password Based Protectin)

WinAuth without 6-digit Authenticatoin Code WinAuth with 6-digit Authentication Code

Q&A about WinAuth

tips "About backups"

  1. go to Settings (gear icon) → Change Protection and uncheck "Encrypt to only usable on this computer". 2.
  2. open Explorer and type %AppData% in the address bar
  3. find WinAuth in the list of folders that appear, and copy it to a USB memory stick or similar device and save it. (Do not leave it where it can be easily stolen) (If necessary be "Encrypt to only usable on this computer" checkbox to its original state.)

Restore will be in the form of putting the backed up WinAuth folder back into the folder that came up in %AppData%.

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