東海国立大学機構 名古屋大学 情報連携推進本部

Information Strategy Office

Information Strategy Office

Appropriate and efficient operations, the use of increasing information and communications and their promotion, along with prompt responses to diverse processing demands: these actions are all required for education and research at Nagoya University. In order to respond to these needs, the further enhancement and use of the information infrastructure are essential and the University needs to pursue measures for the information infrastructure based on a consistent philosophy. The Information Strategy Office is in charge of the strategic aspects of the development and enhancement of said information environment.

The Information Strategy Office was reorganized in April 2009 as an organization under the supervision of the Information & Communications. It consists of five full-time faculty members (two professors, two associate professors and one assistant professor) and a Director. The Information Strategy Office is an organization that performs planning and evaluation pertaining to the development of the information infrastructure, the introduction of the information system in the University as well as the management and inspection of information security and compliance support.

The Information Strategy Office mainly performs the following duties:

  1. Preparation, implementation and evaluation of strategic master plan for information environment
  2. Optimization and evaluation of information investments
  3. Planning and evaluation of information services
  4. Planning and auditing of information security measures.
  5. Planning, liaison and coordination and support for database construction
  6. Information system design, operations and inspections to ensure compliance
  7. Research and development related to accomplishing these duties and advances

In addition to the Information Strategy Office, the Information and Communications Center supervises the Information and Technology Center consisting of faculty members, and the Information and Communications Promotion Department consisting of members of the administration and technical staff. The Information Strategy Office defines the basic strategic policy for planning and management with regard to information infrastructure operations and the information system in the University and gives directions to each. The Information Strategy Office also cooperates with the subdivisions of security organizations on information security and engages in planning and evaluation for compliance with the security policies of Nagoya University.


Director of the Information Strategy Office and Deputy CIO Takaaki, Aoki  
Professor Shigeki Matsubara (Responsibilities) Graduate School of Informations, Department of Intelligent Systems
Associate Professor ODA, Masahiro (Responsibilities) Graduate School of Informations, Department of Intelligent Systems

Takaaki, Aoki

青木 室長

Shigeki, Matsubara

松原 茂樹
For the purpose of enriching the information environment of Nagoya University, I am planning development of advanced information infrastructure and information services, management and utilization of research and education activity data, risk assessment through information security management, etc. Specializing in text analytics, valuing data, and information access, I am focused on emphasizing the evolution of information technology for university fields.

ODA, Masahiro 

小田 昌宏
Through information technology, we aim to enhance the education, research, and operations of Nagoya University and the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System. Based on our R&D experience in image processing and AI, we will utilize the knowledge within the University and spread the new value we obtain to many people.

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