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Information and Communications Public Lectures and Research Meetings


      Time           Date     Lecture title Lecturer                              
3rd Feb.21/2020 Open Science and Reserch Data Management in Nagoya University Shigeki Matsubara Professor Information Strategy Office, Nagoya University
2nd Oct.15/2019 Towards Course Design Using Bring Your Own Device Tomoki Toda Professor Information Technology Center, Nagoya University
1st Oct.2/2019 Advancing research data management through campus collaboration Eriko AMANO Research Administrator Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA)


      Time           Date     Lecture title Lecturer                              
2nd Dec.5/2018 Research data management and university: present situation and issues Koichi OJIRO Communication Manager Research Center for Open Science and Date Platform(RCOS), National Institute of Informatics (NII)
1st Sep.12/2018 A construction method of on-campus research data platform using NII service ~Based on the dialogue and collaboration between the information technology center and the library~ Yusuke KOMIYAMA Assistant Professor Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division, National Institute of Informatics(NII)/Research Center for Open Science and Date Platform (RCOS), National Institute of Informatics(NII)


      Time           Date     Lecture title Lecturer                              
8th Feb.27/2018 Ja Sakai /AXIES/IMS Joint Conference2018 (Standardization Project in Apereo and IMS) Dr. Charles Severance University of Michigan School of Information, etc.
7th Jan.23/2017 Learn from precedents, what and how to make it happen using IoT— the importance of "connecting" in IoT Shinsuke OKADA Manager BigData Engineering Section, Cloud Service Department 2, Cloud Division, Internet Initiative Japan Incorporated
6th Dec.26/2017 Work Style Reform by Itself — The Impact and the Means to Change the Meetings Keisuke ISHIGURO Regional Manger
Collaboration Sales, Japan Collaboration Architecture Cisco Systems G.K.       
5th Nov.28/2017 Innovation of e-learning system with cloud service Hisaho NAKATA Cloud Architect Public Sector, Microsoft Japan Company Limited
4th Oct.24/2017 Concerning procurement requirements of security measures to analyze from threat trends Yusuke SHIGIHARA Senior Channel account manager / Security Advisor Solution Partner Sales Department, Partner Sales Division, Symantec Corporation
3rd Jul.24/2017 The history and the current status of BYOD scheme for students in Hiroshima University Reiji AIBARA Vice President (Information) Professor Information Media Center, Hiroshima University
2nd Jun.27/2017 Discussion on the Information Media Studies System — Systems in other universities, and the system of ours Yuichi KAJI Professor Information Strategy Office, Information and Communications, Nagoya University
1st May.25/2017 State-of-the-art of development of supercomputers and next supercomputer system in our center Takahiro KATAGIRI Professor Information Technology Center, Nagoya University


      Time           Date     Lecture title Lecturer
10th Jan.24/2017 Approach of the ITSMS introduction in the Information Technology Service Center of Yokohama National University Motonari TANABU Director of Information Technology Service Center
Information Technology Service Center,Yokohama National University
9th Dec.27/2016 A preliminary research on course design using information media technologies Tomoki TODA Professor
Information Technology Center, Nagoya University
8th Nov.22/2016 The need for preparation and readiness for cyber attacks Shinichi HORATA Manager
Watch and Warning Group, Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center
7th Oct.25/2016 GakuNin Cloud: Support for Cloud Service Adoption Kiyoshi OSAWA Project Technical Specialist
Cyber Science Infrastructure Development Department, National Institute of Information
6th Sep.27/2016 Information security management to prevent internal improprieties Kenji OHIRA Associate Professor
Center for Administration of Information Technology, Tokushima University
5th Aug.23/2016 Concerning structure and practical using of the remote access Hiroyasu KUMAKI Manager
Mobile Services Department, Network Systems Division, Network Services Business Unit, Fujitsu Limited
4th Jul.19/2016 Forefront of digital marketing seen in advanced cases(introduction of the latest examples of domestic and overseas) Susumu YOKOYAMA Senior Manager
Business Development, Cloud Application Business Unit, Oracle Corporation Japan
3rd Jun.25/2016 Trends in Information Security and Countermeasures Information Department, Information Coordination Division, Gifu University
2nd May.24/2016 Intellectual properties in the field of information technology Tsuyoshi KASHIMOTO Designated Professor
Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Office, Academic Research & Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, Nagoya University
1th Apr.26/2016 The trend of cloud and enterprise architecture Shuichiro YAMAMOTO Professor
Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University
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