
How to log out of your THERS account

To log out, close your browser completely.
Close all open browsers from the X button or select Quit Browser from the menu.
(On MacOS, the X button may just close the window, but not the browser.)

However, you will not be logged out even if you close your browser in the following cases

Case not logged out

When logging in to your THERS account, if u have selected "Yes" on the "Stay signed in?" screen, I will not be logged out even if I close my browser.
This is not a problem if you are using a computer as a user only for yourself, but if you have logged in on a shared computer or in an Internet cafe where others can access your account, there is a risk that others may use your account illegally if you do not log out.
In that case, you can completely log out by following these steps

Completely log out

Stay signed in" is stored in a cookie, so you can log out completely by deleting the cookie for the entire period from the browser menu.
Alternatively, you can log out by signing out of your logged-in account at the following link and closing your browser completely.