Members of Information Security Office

Director of Information Security Office Kensaku Mori Professor of the Graduate School of Informatics
Associate Professor Yoshihide Kato  
Designated Assistant Professor Masahiro Hayashi  
Visiting Associate Professor Hirokazu Hasegawa National Institute of Informatics.

Yoshihide Kato

Yoshihide Kato 情報セキュリティポリシー・ガイドラインの運用・評価・改定,情報セキュリティに関する企画(情報セキュリティガイダンス,サーバ管理者向け講習会など),情報セキュリティインシデント対応に関する業務に主に従事しています.また,デジタル文書を対象としたデータマイニングなどを主なテーマとして研究を行っています.

Masahiro Hayashi

Masahiro Hayashi While the evolution of ICT technology has made our lives much more convenient, cyber attacks that threaten our information systems and networks have become more sophisticated, and information security incidents are occurring frequently at our university.
The Information Security Office is working to strengthen its information security system so that all members can conduct academic research and educational activities with peace of mind.
In particular, we will work closely with relevant departments and non-academic organizations to identify the cause of an incident and quickly issue instructions for recovery, and take measures through risk analysis and evaluation, while preventing the occurrence of an incident and minimizing damage in the event of an incident. In addition, we are responsible for overall risk management related to information security, including the development of security prevention systems and awareness-raising activities. We also support the promotion of educational DX (Digital University Plan).