Temporary unavailable with NUWNET service change

We will perform replacement of Web base authentication system of NUWNET (Nagoya University Wireless NETwork). This maintenance accompanies temporary unavailable of NUWNET and service change of Web base authentication.
Maintenance day 1
- Date and Time: Monday, September 27, 2021, 17:00-22:00
- Area: East block of Higashiyama campus.
Maintenance day 2
- Date and Time: Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 17:00-22:00
- Area: West block of Higashiyama campus.
Maintenance day 3
- Date and Time: Tuesday, September 29, 2021, 17:00-20:00
- Area: Tsurumai campus and Daiko campus.
- Temporary unavailable for about 1 minutes.
Influenced services
- Web base authentication NUWNET(e.g. SSID: nuwnet) and Ethernet wall jack equips Web authentication.
- Service change will be performed sequentially to individual wireless access points. If you are using Web base authentication NUWNET under change, your network connection will be terminated.
- If connection has terminated, challenge connection after few minutes.
- SSID for guest ID changes with this maintenance. If you are using guest ID, please use new SSID (e.g. nuwnet-guest) after maintenance.
- You can use 802.1x authentication NUWNET (e.g. SSID: nuwnet1x) and eduroam under maintenance. However, there is possibility of a momentary unavailable.