情報連携統括本部および情報基盤センターでは,共同研究・共同利用拠点の提供計算機資源,サービス業務,および研究活動のアウトリーチを目的として,2018年11月11日~16日に米国テキサス州ダラスで開催された国際会議SC18にて展示を行いました.展示ブースでは, 12日?14日に情報基盤センター教員および関連分野の招待研究者によるショートトークを開催しました。
・展示ブース:# 4305
12th (Mon) November 2018 (In Opening Gala)
- 19:15-19:30 Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- "A Methodology for Batching Matrix Kernels in HPC Applications"
- 19:30-19:45 Franz Franchetti (Carnegie Mellon University)
- "SPIRAL, FFTX and the path to SpectralPack"
- 19:45-20:00 Satoshi Ohshima (RIIT, Kyusyu University)
Collaborative researches: Soichiro Suzuki, Tatsuya Sakashita, Masao Ogino, Takahiro Katagiri, Yoshimichi Andoh- "Performance Evaluation of MODYLAS on Skylake-SP and Knights Landing"
13th (Tue) November 2018
- 13:00-13:15 Masae Hayashi(U. Tokyo), Gaku Hashimoto(U. Tokyo), Kazuya Goto(PExProCS LLC), Hiroshi Okuda(U. Tokyo)
- "Approaches to solve industrial real problems using FrontISTR -Large-scale parallel FEA open software on HEC-MW- "
- 13:15-13:30 Ryo Yoda (Graduate School of Engineering, Informatics, Kogakuin University),
Akihiro Fujii (Faculty of Informatics, Kogakuin University),
Teruo Tanaka(Faculty of Informatics, Kogakuin University)- "Preconditioned Krylov Solver for Parallel in Time"
- 13:30-13:45 Takahiro Katagiri (ITC, Nagoya University)
- "Accurate Matrix-Matrix Multiplications on GPU"
- 13:45-14:00 Masao Ogino (ITC, Nagoya University)
- "High-frequency Electromagnetic Field Simulation of a Human Body Model with Smooth Organ Boundaries"
14th (Wed) November 2018
- 13:30-13:45 Kohei Murotani (Railway Technical Research Institute)
- "Snow Accretion Simulator for a Train"
- 13:45-14:00 Takeshi Ogita (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University)
- "Development of Verified Numerical Computations for Applications"
- 14:00-14:15 Hajime Shimada (ITC, Nagoya University)
- "Process Behavior Based Process Maliciousness Estimation by Multistage Seq2Seq Model"
- 14:15-14:30 Toru Nagai (ITC, Nagoya University)
- "Numerical validation of a new method for solving wave equation,DOWT (Discrete Operational Wave Theory)"